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Conspiracy Theory alleging members of the Muslim Brotherhood
have infiltrated parts of the Obama Administration including the Presidential
Advisors, The CIA and the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS). Determination: Unproven Conspiracy Theory
There are Muslims in high offices within the Obama Administration, but no evidence has been presented to prove either way that these people are members of the Muslim Brotherhood or Islamic Jihadists. There are also appointed leaders who have language and cultural understanding who do not profess to be Muslims.
Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, according to an April 3, 2009
article by US News. The article said her
parents, James and Barbara Bowman, lived in Iran for six years "as part of a
program that sent American physicians to developing countries."
The Crew has found no evidence that Jarrett is a Muslim.
A recent quote attributed to Jarrett went viral on the Internet in early 2015. Jarrett is alleged to have said, "I am a Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. I am also an American and I seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself."
The alleged attribution was debunked by all the Internet rumor reporting sites and the crew agrees with their findings.
to his
bio, John O. Brennan has been the director
of the Central Intelligence Agency since March 8, 2013. Brennan earned a
bachelor’s degree in political science at Fordham University in 1977. While
enrolled there, he studied at the American University in Cairo in 1975-1976. He
continued his education at the University of Texas at Austin "where he earned a
master’s degree in government with a concentration in Middle Eastern studies."
According to a December 5, 2009
article by, Brennan, who was
employed by the CIA from 1980 to 2005, served as CIA station chief
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and speaks Arabic fluently.
The Crew has found no evidence that Brennan has converted to
Jarrett's and Brennan's names were added to a popular iRumor/Conspiracy Theory
that has been circulating the Internet naming six men who are advisors to
President Obama or have positions with the DHS. The allegations are that these
men devout Muslims and sleeper Jihadists.
As for the rest the Muslim members within the DHS, all of the Internet fact
checkers have reported that they are Muslims, but there is no proof that the are
affiliated with any terrorist groups.
The Crew has posted additional findings here:
Muslims Infiltrated Obama Administration and DHS
Posted 11/25/14 Updated 04/04/15
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