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Obama Abolishes 22nd Amendment-Generals Arrested


Allegations that President Obama's dictatorship is accelerating.  Reports that say President Barrack Obama has abolished the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by Executive Order, and ordered over 500 U.S. Military generals to be detained under house arrest.  Reports also say that Vice President Biden was removed from office, the president's cabinet has been placed under arrest and Bill Ayers was seen by the President’s side. Determination: Hoax  

Do not believe this one because it came from the satire site

Readers can usually detect the article is a whopper by some of the tangents inserted by the writer to prolong the joke:

"Baseball’s World Series has been cancelled along with the U.S. portion of the National Hockey League Season. There is no word if the NBA Season will start on time. ACORN Operatives have taken up arms and are currently occupying all large stadiums and sports arenas in the country. Ticket holders to any of these events are advised to stay home."

The crew found the satire disclaimer notice posted on the Facebook fan page:

National Report Satire Notice

Posted 10/26/14

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